CCSD Curriculum Elements

The resources on this site would not have been available without the support from various organizations and professionals, among them:

World Languages Teaching and Learning


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The Walton High School Tour Choir enjoyed an educational experience over Thanksgiving holiday, as 86 students immersed themselves in Italian art, architecture, food, language, and musical history in Tuscany and Rome. The choir also performed a concert in Siena alongside a community choir, and for a high school in Florence. On the veideo, the Choir is being featured in a performance at the Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.



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Walton Robotics

Globo TV: Walton students members of the Robotics team participated in a science and technology fair in Brazil. Schools is both countries coordinated the event where students not only participate on an event where they learn and practice science but also where they have an opportunity to learn about the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture.

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