
Participants in the Connecting with the World Project,

Please, take some time, if you have not yet done that, and create your account. Then use the filter for connecting with teachers to select the language of communication, the age, country, areas of interest, etc. If you write a short paragraph describing what you are looking for and send it as a request to 8-10 teachers that look promising to you, chances are that you will receive replies quite fast.

With the desire to help, here is the paragraph that I sent to several teachers, and which led to establishing connections. For the purpose of this project, I am not working with my IB students from the French Exchange Program, but with students at level 2. You may make your adjustments to the text and use it as you wish.

I'd like to add you to my network on the ePals Global Community. My students are 14-16 years old, and have intermediate-low proficiency in French. I would like to pair them up with French correspondents learning English as a foreign language, so that both groups could use their foreign language when communicating. Students could give feedback to each other's language skills while discussing aspects of their cultures.

Let's begin sharing experiences, ideas, and advice!

Category: Connecting with the World
Hits: 3753