
A very important part of planning for face-to-face or digital instruction is to clearly have in mind the structure of your classroom.  You may have a great lesson but if the right structures are not in place, it may not yield to the results you expect.  Maintaining active student engagement and building positive relationships with students are key to manage your classroom, but you need to have structures in place that will allow you to build those relationships and implement engaging instructional practices.

Classroom structures and practices may include norms, routines, expectations, and classroom resources among others.  No matter whether you are teaching elementary, middle, high, or college level, having a plan and being consistent on it will help you to have a more successful and rewarding teaching experience.

As we debate the possibility and for some the certainty that we will start our 2021 school year online, having this online structure defined is even more important.  This is a new territory for students and teachers and as the leader of the classroom, the students are counting on you to create a safe and supporting learning environment.

The Classroom Structures resource below provides a template for educators to consider areas of their classroom structures and procedures they have in place on a face-to-face classroom, and how these may help determine how they will implement (or not) these structures in a digital environment. 

Classroom Structures

Category: Teachers
Hits: 1248